Maximize your trading experience by customizing different panels on TradeLocker.
Here’s a quick guide to help you make the most out of this feature.
Scalable panels
- Log into your TradeLocker account.
- Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the different panels and identify them: Markets panel, Trades panel, Order panel.
- Hover your cursor over the edge of a panel. You’ll notice it changes to a resizing icon (usually a double-sided arrow). This indicates that you can click and drag to resize the panel.
- Click and drag the edges of the panels to your desired size. You can make a panel larger to view more information or smaller to create more space for other panels (e.g. Chart panel).
Hide/show panels
You can also hide the panels to get a full view of the chart.
- Navigate to the side panel on the left side of the platform and simply hide the Markets and Trades panels. Or simply press the hotkeys M and T on your keyboard to hide these panels.
- That way, you can enjoy a full chart view with a floating order panel positioned wherever you need it. You can move it by dragging it anywhere on the chart.
- For an even better view, you can hide the floating order panel by pressing O on your keyboard.
To show them again, simply click the icon representing each panel on the side panel or use hotkeys M, O, T.
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